Friday, May 20, 2011

Local Wolf Pack

The Wild Rivers Guide has a photo of a newly designated Spread Eagle Barrens wolf pack.

The photo was at night on a field camera, showing five adults. The article says that the DNR officially named it the Spread Eagle Barrens pack and that there is evidence of them having pups.

This photo of the baby duck was at Fumee Falls, no mother duck in sight.

Monday, May 16, 2011

Photo a Day, experimenting

My kids gave me a beautiful album of photography in which the photographer, Brandenburg,
took only one photo a day and collected them in the album. I'm not quite disciplined enough to take only one, but I can choose one a day. This is today's choice, illuminating the tiny hairs on the branch.

The runner up was another backlighted leafy twig with a spider web on it. I hadn't seen the web so I didn't get a clear shot.


The rivers are at their banks and pushing. Piers Gorge was wild yesterday but a beautiful

area for a Sunday family hike.

Saturday, May 7, 2011

May 7, 2011

Spring is late this year. There are as yet no wildflowers nor budding spring bulbs. There are signs of wildlife on the field cameras including red fox and raccoon.The turkeys are very active.

We can see digging in the mosses and droppings on the trails from other than deer. The deer herd is stable and healthy.